Engineering  and Consulting Services

Besides supplying equipment, Gruen Biogas also provides consulting and engineering services, acting as a partner in project development. The company’s team has an extensive experience in biogas purification and implementation of biomethane projects. Our team of experts determine the best solution, select the most suitable technology and select and integrate suppliers for biodigestion, anaerobic digestion purification, high-pressure compression for the use of CNG or injection into the gas grid and CO2 liquefaction for food-grade CO2 production or CO2 sequestration.

Compact biogas purification units

Containerized systems is a very widespread concept in Germany: quick assembly for volumes of 1000-3000 m3/h including pre-treatment of biogas, PSA, injection into the gas grid or high compression system for CNG – Compressed Natural Gas.

Gruen’s solutions provide space optimization and excellent cost-effectiveness ratio in accordance with current safety standards.

High volume processing plants for the sugarcane industry   

Brazil is the world’s largest producer and exporter of sugar and ethanol. The sugar-energy sector is strategic for the country’s energy and environmental sustainability. In this context, biogas production from sugar cane and residues offers Brazil a promising opportunity to become a world leader in clean energy production, diversify its energy matrix and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Gruen has emerged as a leading provider of biogas purification technology on a large scale, perfectly tailored to meet the manufacturing requirements of Brazil’s sugarcane mills. With its cutting-edge solutions, Gruen has established itself as the industry benchmark for biogas processing in this sector.

Gruen offers complete turn-key lines with H2S removal system and custom-made containerized modules for biogas originated from the biodigestion of vinasse and filter cake with volumes of 20,000 m3/h and beyond including compression station for injection into the gas grid or high compression system for CNG – Compressed Natural Gas.

Landfill gas upgrading 

The extraction of biogas from landfills plays a crucial role in solid waste management and clean energy production, making a significant contribution to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Gruen provides solutions for the conversion of biogas from landfills into biomethane, in accordance with the specifications set by the ANP – National Petroleum, Natural Gas, and Biofuels Agency. To avoid fugitive methane emissions with high suction vacuum level, Gruen biogas can process up to 30% of N2 in the biogas and still achieve ANP biomethane quality.

Gruen complete turnkey production lines include:

  • Bioreactor systems and/or activated carbon for the effective removal of hydrogen sulfide (H2S);
  • SILOXANES and VOCs removal system including thermal regeneration and incinerator or flameless oxidizing systems for safe elimination of VOCs and SILOXANES;
  • PSA system for CO2 and N2 removal;
  • Compression for injection into the grid.



Through our partnership with Vert-Capital, we offer several financing options for your project, such as FINAME (Fundo Clima). In addition to specific government and non-governmental financing options, Gruen provides a range of funding opportunities for the production and generation of green energy.

Liquefaction of CO2, CH4 and BECCS

Bio Energy Carbon Capture and Storage

Gruen Biogas provides CO2 separation and liquefaction systems specifically engineered to eliminate methane residues from PSA tail gas, in addition to other contaminants, to produce food-grade CO2 or separate the biogenic CO2 for carbon storage purposes. We also supply CH4 polishing units to provide biomethane com CO2 levels below 50ppm ready for liquefaction as well as complete liquefaction units.

and operation contracts

Gruen Biogas offers specialized services and technical visits to perform preventive maintenance. The company provides comprehensive maintenance contracts that encompass the replacement of activated carbon, as well as operating contracts for purification facilities.

The Gruen Biogás team of expert technicians ensures the efficiency of PSA production lines.

Supply and exchange service for activated carbon and other purifying agents

Gruen Biogas is the exclusive representative in Brazil for the commercialization of iodine-impregnated activated carbon, renowned for its ability to adsorb H2S with a weight capacity exceeding 50%. This ensures the efficient treatment of biogas. Exchange service, plant restart and disposal of used activated carbon are realized by our specialists.